What are Thought-Forms?
Thought-Forms, put simply, are byproducts of belief. They exist within the Human Energy Field as subtle structures composed of crystallized mental and emotional energies. They embody our past perceptions, judgments, decisions, and beliefs. But what is more, thought-forms act like magnets attracting to us evidence or proof for what we believe, drawing to us situations, experiences, and recurrent patterns of behavior to validate our accepted subconscious beliefs about ourselves and the world we live in.
Negative thought-forms are often the result of a trauma or incessant negative thinking, and as such, have the potential to regenerate unpleasant experiences in our lives. Negative thought-forms, once crystallized as belief, become the distorted lenses through which we perceive the present and presage our own future as they focus our attention on, and draw to us, more of the unwanted relationships and situations we experience in life.
Positive thought-forms, on the other hand, have the opposite effect. When connected and empowered within the consciousness, they serve as subconscious helpers facilitating more effortless and fulfilling experiences in our day-to-day lives.
Many people try meditation, positive affirmations, creative visualization, or affirmative prayer but still feel blocked. Why? Some researchers speculate that the subconscious mind makes up 88% of our total mind power. And like the hard drive on a computer, our subconscious retains everything including the negative thoughts, beliefs, and unconscious programming that is often responsible for patterns of lack, limitation, stress, anxiety, and unhappiness. So the real question is: "If the thoughts and beliefs that are holding me back are subconscious, how do I identify and change them?"
Just as visible light and audible sound are perceivable by our eyes and ears, thoughts and emotions are discernible by way of inner sight and intuitive faculties. A trained clairvoyant, remote viewer, or anyone gifted with higher vibrational perception is capable of perceiving thoughts and emotions as floating structures in the Human Energy Field. These structures can present themselves as symbols, geometric patterns, or amorphous shapes possessing color, density, and texture, each according to the nature of the experience(s) that created them. Ostensibly, our thought-forms, properly decoded and interpreted, provide a visual representation of our subconscious belief system. As such, thought-forms offer a way to work with our subconscious mind in a unique and powerful way.
Negative thought-forms are the result of physical, mental, or emotional trauma, and/or repetitive negative thinking. These thought structures contain a record of the trauma, unpleasant experiences, or repetitive ideation that gave birth to them; and the more we focus on them, the more they grow. Like dream symbols, thought-forms speak in the language of the subconscious mind. They can be personal, collective, or archetypal in nature. For instance, a thought-form presenting as a “dagger” may suggest some form of attack or betrayal; similarly, the image of a “spring” for most people implies the experience of rejection. The color of the thought-form is equally important to its understanding. For example, dark purple often suggests victimization; dark green may communicate emotional pain, jealousy, or guilt. Moreover, because thought-forms are electromagnetic in nature, they attract more of the same experiences that gave rise to them.
Developed by Dr. Diane Cantwell and Ivor Francis, Thought Form Healing is a powerful and transformational modality that combines scientific and metaphysical principles to remediate mental/emotional blocks trapped in the subconscious mind. Once negative thought-forms are identified, removed, and dematerialized, positive transformation and healing become possible in all areas of life such as, health, finances, relationships, career, and creative self-expression.
Diane and Ivor work together with you as your thought-form coaches.
Diane employs techniques of physical relaxation, focused concentration, and mental imagery to encourage a light state of relaxation and receptivity to support your intuitive faculties and the ability to access your subconscious memories.
Using a form of remote viewing, Ivor tunes into your energy fields to identify any thought-forms that are up for remediation at this time.
Ivor and Diane then guide you through a process of dematerialization to remediate your negative thought-forms.
Diane then closes the session by stating affirmative, life-empowering, positive intentions designed especially for you to heal any voids left behind in the auric field.
Thought Form Healing sessions last 60 to 90 minutes. They are done over the phone, the internet, or in person.
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